Probation Rules in Harrisburg

Suppose a criminal defendant is granted probation, parole, or intermediate punishment supervision in Harrisburg or elsewhere in Pennsylvania. In that case, this is given to the defendant with his or her understanding that they will comply with all of the conditions of their supervision.

Whenever a person is granted probation, parole, or intermediate punishment, they have to immediately follow all of the conditions imposed upon them by the court at the time they receive their sentencing. The same goes for conditions added during or after their supervision.

When a condition is imposed, it’s effective immediately, and the defendant must comply; they can’t wait days or weeks before following the court’s orders. Otherwise, they face the consequences of noncompliance.

If you or someone you love is placed on probation, you will have a probation officer assigned to your case. It will be your probation officer’s job to:

  • Carry out the court’s orders.

  • Assist you with your rehabilitation efforts.

  • Help you assimilate back into the community.

  • Help you comply with the terms of your probation.

One of the most critical roles of the probation officer is to ensure that the defendant fully understands the conditions of probation, parole, or intermediate punishment.

Suppose a problem arises; for example, the defendant fails a random drug test, for they violate a restraining order. If they are involved in an altercation or arrested for a new crime, they should call their probation officer immediately for help.

Visits from Your Probation Officer

If you are placed on probation, parole, or intermediate punishment, don’t be surprised if your probation officer drops by for a surprise visit; these are called “field visits,” and it’s a part of their job.

Under Pennsylvania law, if a probation officer has reason to believe that you have violated your rules, your probation officer has the right to search your home and vehicle without a search warrant. If the probation officer finds drugs, weapons, or other contraband in your possession, it can be seized on the spot.

What if I violate my probation?

Suppose something happens, and you violate one of the conditions of your supervision. In that case, your case will be reviewed by the Probation Office, which will look at the nature of the violation and the circumstances surrounding it. If the breach is severe enough, you can be arrested and confined until the probation violation is resolved.

At your hearing, several things can happen; for example, your probation, parole, or intermediate punishment may be revoked. However, the sentencing alternatives available during your initial sentencing will remain there. If you violated your parole, the court may have you complete part or all of the original sentence.

If you’re being accused of violating your probation or parole, you need a Harrisburg criminal defense attorney representing you at the hearing.

Call today to get a former JAG officer and a former police officer on your team!


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